November 21, 2017
A Thanksgiving Message from GPA Consulting

“We can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear dark and frowning.” —Albert Barnes, theologian
As we come upon Thanksgiving Day, we will no doubt be reminded of the unrest and tragedy that has marked the year. But as 19th century theologian Albert Barnes points out, “We can always find something to be thankful for.”
Light is always brightest in the dark. And while we have seen the worst of man and nature, we have also seen many examples of courage and compassion. These tragedies have brought out the best in humankind; from neighbors defying torrential rain and wind or ravaging wildfires to rescue strangers and wildlife during one of the worst hurricane and fire seasons we’ve seen, to good Samaritans going to the aid of victims of violent rampage.
Good people can be found everywhere. We often forget that; perhaps because their acts of kindness are small. Maybe it’s just a helping hand to meet a deadline, or a shoulder to cry on. They won’t make the news, but their actions have great meaning in our lives.
This Thursday, as you sit around your dinner table—whether it is a small party of one or long table of 12—please look at the person next to you or the people around you, and count your blessings for them. They are the everyday lights that keeps the darkness at bay.
From all of us at GPA, Happy Thanksgiving!